This message will delight all diabetics. Google Inc. completed several clinical trials of the smart contact lens for permanent blood-sugar measurement. An optical lens in the form of a commercially available contact lens continuously monitors the blood-sugar level based on the tear fluid.
Until now, diabetics need to determine their blood-sugar levels using test strips and blood glucose meter. A lancing device drops out blood to be analyzed. Normally the drop is taken from the finger. The optical lens technology developed by Google Inc. could replace this bloodthirsty method.
Up to a nationwide coverage of the optical lens, it is still a long way. Preliminary clinical tests have run, but the technology stand at the very beginning according to a Google Inc. statement. For further developments of the optical lens the internet company searches for experienced partners to complete the project faster.
The technology of the optical lens is simple. Diabetics with a Google Smart Contact Lens get a warning on a mobile device (e.g. smartphone, SmartWatch or Google Glass) if the blood-sugar levels should be too high or too low. Future versions of the optical lens are equipped with integrated LEDs warning in case of a disfunction. To analyze of the blood-sugar level the optical lens controls continuously the tear fluid, not as usual done, the blood.
Currently 5% of the world population (360 million people) suffer from diabetes. 8% of the US population (about 26 million US citizens) suffer from diabetes. In 2035 about 10% of the world's population will suffer from diabetes. In figures: about 840 million people.
For diabetics, this technology would be a quantum leap. On one hand, permanent monitoring of blood-sugar with the optical lens would be possible, on the other hand the regular and annoying finger-stinging will be ended.