On the Optatec 2016, the international trade fair for optical technologies, from 7th to 9th June 2016 in Frankfurt / Main, the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT produces in cooperation with the plastic optics manufacturer polyoptics GmbH and special support by the injection moulding machine manufacturer Arburg GmbH + Co KG micro optics with a diameter of 2 mm at the booth of the Fraunhofer Group (hall 3.0, stand D50).
The cooperation of the Fraunhofer IPT and polyoptics GmbH is based on the start of the funded research project "HiTecMass - efficient series production of micro-optical high technology modules". In this project the participants will develop an innovative tooling concept to improve the quality of injection moulded micro optics. In addition, the project participants develop a new assembly process to reduce the rejection rate of multi micro optics systems significantly.
Especially in sensor technology micro optics and multi-lens systems are a key technology. The ongoing miniaturization and complexity demands high process stability and quality of all components used in micro systems. But even in consumer electronics products, such as smartphones, micro optics will be found. The rejection rates are currently up to 40 percent. The technologies developed within the HiTecMass research project will reduce the rejection rate to less than 10 percent.
With the production of the micro optics on the Optatec trade fair the production process will be shown to the visitors. The Fraunhofer IPT and polyoptics GmbH like to explain the advantages of moulded optics for optical technologies. This unique promotion is made possible thanks to the injection moulding machine manufacturer Arburg GmbH + Co KG, which provides an injection moulding machine of the type Allrounder 170 S for the trade fair.
The Fraunhofer IPT (hall 3.0, stand D50) and polyoptics GmbH (hall 3.0, stand G45) are looking forward to welcome you from 7th to 9th June 2016 on the Optatec in Frankfurt /Main.